My humble online abode.

Make yourselves comfortable. =)
Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011
Time: 6:53 PM
Arghhhh, it's been a long time since I've blogged. But it's nice to be back, even after the months of resistance. haha.

So those of you who know me, know that I have had some major addiction issues. eBay addiction issues. But last night I finally reached the 100 feedback mark! I'll admit, I may have said "yaaayyyy!!!" and did some fangirly hand movements, but in my Yeah okay, maybe it's not so normal, but hey, I even got an email from eBay congratulating me on it. I seriously 'lol'-ed when I read it though.

THEY GIVE YOU A FRICKEN CERTIFICATE! lololol. Reckon I should print one off and stick it in my CV? =P

Anywho, just to prove my life isn't completely sad, I've been working on my Valentine's Day gift to Roger for tomorrow! Look! =D

It's like a tradition now, each year the person with the star jar passes it back to the other person on Valentine's Day. It's just filled with cute messages that will give us a lift when we're feeling down, or just when we need a little bit more love in our lives. =) It took me a couple of hours to fill it up with messages, but it's done now and I seriously can't wait to give it to him.

Tah dah! =D I really wished I could've gone out with my friends tomorrow too though. I hope you have fun without me girls. =( I'll ditch Roger next year and go out with you guys instead. =P

Ahhhh, I know how cringey this post is gonna make people as well. lol, so many people hate Valentine's Day, but I think it's great, not just for people in relationships, but also because I know friends come together to spread the love as well, so it's like a reminder that even though you might not have a significant other, you still have people that love you. advance, Happy V'day to my boif and my lovely friends! =D

Love much.

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aspiring teacher.
neglectful blogger. I apologise in advance =P


Layout is by Cia: (Blog | Acc)
Icons/banners are from: Reviviscent and Pendentifs.
Inspiration: Hokairotciv & Fruitstyle
To Do.
. blog everyday
. learn spanish
. clean out my room!!
. stay healthy
. become a less anxious driver. lol